Tuesday, 18 September 2018


My name is Berkat Juniaslina Debora Hulu from Environmental Engineering.
In this blog, I want to tell you about my experience when I went to my hometown in Nias Island.

An Important Place:
  • My grandma's house
  • Local museum 
  • Tourist spot in South Nias

 When did something important happen?
  • When I saw the traditional performance of rock jumping (lompat batu) with my family.
  • When I took a tour inside the museum of Nias.
  • When I visit my families in Nias, because it's my hometown.
What happen?
  • I feel very happy after a long time of not meeting them.
  • I can go to the beach because in the place i used to live i can only see the mountains.
  • I can take pictures with my 
          So, one of the important experience is when i took a vacation in the second semester of 11th grade. By that time i went back to my hometown along with my family from Pagar Alam to Nias that took us 3 day and 3 night. I passed many places such as Padang, Jambi, Sibolga, and many other.

          As soon as i arrived in Nias, My Grandmother along with my brothers and sisters welcome us warmly. We have a wonderful conversation.

           Several days later, Generally We traveled around Nias Such as: Museum, Traditional Places ( in there we saw many Traditional Houses, clothes, and The performance of rock jumping (Lompat Batu)), Various of beaches, and finally we went to the rest of our family house's.It was so much fun !!. If It all combined together, it took us more than 7 days to travel around Nias with all of it's beauty.

          That was one of the most important experience for me in my life that I ever experienced. Although it was a very exhausting, I was very happy by that time because I can gather with all of My family and spent time together . 


  1. Woww! what an experience you had! I wish you could tell us more lah..

  2. Wah.. That's a great story deb..you've visit the historycal place,and I hope I can go there.. .

  3. Interesting storyπŸ‘ but in what happen part point 3, u r not finished the sentences :( and also u have changed 'i' into 'I'... good job debooo

  4. I'm curious about rock jumping. It's interesting for me. I hope someday I can go to Nias...

  5. Thats great story debora, but after (,) better you don't using (I) but use (i), good luck!!

  6. i like your story Debora.. i think Nias is a beautiful place

  7. Very nice story deboraπŸ‘

  8. What a wonderful view ya Debora .. Maybe,later you can explore more about that that place ... Good job DeboraπŸ‘Œ

  9. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  10. Wow, what a beautiful hometown you have. I think i want to go there, ask me ya if u go to your hometown :)

  11. hmm. Interesting Story. It seems that Nias is a splendid place. By the way, Can you teach us about the rock jumping ?? Sounds fun.

  12. Wow great experience deb, I hope I can see rock jumoing and do it by myself...

  13. Wow.. thats a good story debora πŸ‘ your hometown has a lots of beautiful places how lucky you're :d

  14. Maybe someday i will visit your hometown😍

  15. Wowww very amazing deboπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  16. Waoww...its experience very nice debo...πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

  17. we are very happy for the visit of brother and family hopefully we have time to visit at the place of brother debora

  18. Wow great experience bo i really want to visit nias island i think it will be fun i hope i can πŸ™πŸ™πŸ‘πŸ‘

  19. Amazing place....
    Nias island is popular with tourism object. I love Nias

  20. It was a good experience, good job

  21. Maybe someday we can go together

  22. Makes me want to visit Nias ><
